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posh training for employees

The Importance of POSH Training in the Workplace

Creating a workplace environment that cultivates respect, trust, and equality among employees is essential for organisational success. Prevention of Sexual Harassment (POSH) training plays a pivotal role in achieving this goal. HR leaders, founders, and people managers are responsible for conducting regular POSH awareness sessions to promote a healthy and positive workplace culture. Without awareness …

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employee development

How to Leverage Emergenetics for Employee Development

Investing in employee development promotes a multitude of benefits for an employer. 93% of employees said that well-planned employee training programs positively affect their level of engagement. Emergenetics offerings help boost employee development by amplifying the soft skills individuals need to advance in their careers and succeed. You can use Emergenetics to create an environment …

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Transforming Organisations Through Individual Change: The ADKAR Model’s Strategic Impact

The Prosci ADKAR® Model stands out as a beacon for strategic change management. Developed by Jeff Hiatt, ADKAR—a robust acronym encapsulating Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability, and Reinforcement—serves as a roadmap for facilitating individual change, which is essential for organisational success. While many frameworks address change at an organisational level, ADKAR zeroes in on the individual. …

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Adkar thumb

A Deep Dive into Prosci’s New Publication-The ADKAR Advantage

Change is constant in life, yet navigating it effectively challenges many individuals and organisations. In the realm of change management literature, Prosci’s publication –The ADKAR Advantage: Your New Lens for Successful Change by Karen Ball stands out for its depth, practicality, and insightful approach. This blog delves into the core themes and offerings of this …

A Deep Dive into Prosci’s New Publication-The ADKAR Advantage Read More »

Change Management Made Easy: The Movie Guide for Busy Professionals

Change Management Made Easy: The Movie Guide for Busy Professionals

Who knew the silver screen could be a guide through life’s twists and turns? Movie nights can offer more than just entertainment—they can provide profound lessons on transformation. Movies are filled with heroes, villains, and underdogs. But beneath these familiar roles lies a deeper narrative—the story of change. Prosci’s “Key Question” prompts us to look …

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Training and Consulting Services

Finding the Right Training and Consulting Services for Business Growth

According to a study by Forbes, companies with comprehensive training programs boast a 218% higher income per employee compared to those without. Yet, 75% of managers surveyed by Harvard Business Review expressed dissatisfaction with their current Learning & Development (L&D) function, highlighting a concerning gap between investment and impact. This blog post is your guide …

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Corporate Training companies in India

The Role of Corporate Training Companies in India

Imagine this: You’ve built a dream team, a group of talented individuals who helped your business reach new heights. But lately, you’ve noticed a dip in productivity. Innovation seems stagnant, and some essential skills seem to be lacking. You know your team has the potential, but something is holding them back. This is a common …

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Leadership Development Training

The Impact of Leadership Development Training for Organisations

Leadership development is a powerful catalyst that enhances employee morale, engagement and performance. It also supports professional and personal growth and fosters a dynamic work environment. For employers, it’s a valuable investment yielding improved retention, succession planning, collaboration, and profitability. In a nutshell, leadership training and development is a win-win proposition, benefiting both employees and …

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Imp of Leadership

Importance of Leadership and Management Training

What sets thriving organisations apart from those that falter in an era where change is the only constant? The answer often lies not in the strategies they adopt or the technologies they embrace, but in the leaders they cultivate. Often an intangible asset, leadership can shape individuals’ and institutions’ destinies. As we delve into the …

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Organizational Change Management

Driving Organizational Change – Let’s break into Smaller Steps!

Business transformation has typically been linked to significant, protracted initiatives. Change management was still carried out using a largely sequential waterfall model even if recent years saw a reduction in the size, speed, and emphasis of such programmes. Then Covid occurred, forcing all organisations to consider their capacity for rapid change. This gets us to …

Driving Organizational Change – Let’s break into Smaller Steps! Read More »