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The Importance of Emergenetics Profile Assessment

Profile assessments have long played a pivotal role in the business landscape, offering valuable insights into individuals’ behavioural tendencies, cognitive preferences, and potential fit within an organization. Among these assessments, Emergenetics has emerged as a prominent tool for understanding individuals’ unique thinking and behavioural profiles. What is Emergenetics profile assessment? The Emergenetics Profile Assessment is …

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AI and Change Management

AI in Change Management: The Future of Driving Successful Transformations

In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, digital transformation has become imperative for organisations across diverse industries. To remain competitive and relevant, businesses must adapt swiftly. However, the implementation of change management tools on such a vast scale presents complexities and challenges. Here, artificial intelligence (AI) emerges as a powerful catalyst, enabling successful digital transformation through …

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Transformation in Talent Development

2024: A Year of Transformation in Talent Development

The year 2024 brings significant changes in the landscape of learning and talent development. Here at Marg, we see a direct connection between projected business needs and employee training. This year promises to be an active one for learning professionals, with the future of work impacting organizations of all sizes. Key Trends Shaping the Future …

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Organisational Change Management Blog Thum

A Comprehensive Guide to Organizational Change Management with ADKAR Change Management Insights

Change is an inevitable aspect of project management, a dynamic process where basic assumptions and stakeholder preferences can evolve over time. Even with meticulous planning, no project unfolds precisely as envisioned during execution. The primary objective of any project is to instigate a transformation, and project managers must not only establish initial parameters like budget, …

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The Vast Potential of Leveraging Technology in Internal Audit and Finance

In a world where the boundaries of what is possible are constantly being redefined, can traditional sectors like finance and audit remain untouched by the relentless growth of technology? The answer is no. Sectors like audit and finance are at the forefront of a transformative wave. It is not just about replacing the old methods …

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Imp of Leadership

Importance of Leadership and Management Training

What sets thriving organisations apart from those that falter in an era where change is the only constant? The answer often lies not in the strategies they adopt or the technologies they embrace, but in the leaders they cultivate. Often an intangible asset, leadership can shape individuals’ and institutions’ destinies. As we delve into the …

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Thumbnail - Embrace Non-Linear Career Paths to Amplify Success

Embrace Non-Linear Career Paths to Amplify Success

Visualize for a moment what a career path looks like. Does the picture in your mind reflect a neat, tidy directional arrow? Is it a set of well-planned steps? Or is it more of a winding road with twists and turns? While professional growth has long been considered to follow a linear or step-by-step model, …

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Change Management Career

Change Management as a Career!

Every organization will virtually undergo a transition or change in order to remain sustainable. Businesses are constantly changing as a result of growing digitalization, remote work alternatives, and evolving client needs. All these developments can have a huge impact on the business’s trajectory. Unfortunately, organizational change isn’t always easy to adapt to and can be …

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Simplify Change Management

Let’s simplify Change Management!

Though organisational change causes a great deal of fear in the workplace, constant transformation is now a key component of any organization’s strategy, no matter how big or small. While the discipline of change management focuses on mobilizing people to deliver expected results and outcomes, project management focuses on technical processes and systems and how …

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