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Win Trust

How to Win Trust During Culture Change

Every change requires a shift in mindset. People don’t change their behaviors without changing their beliefs and their willingness to engage in the change. But what happens when a toxic group doesn’t want to work with you during a change? Or when your perspectives about the working relationship are misaligned? Or after a painful merger …

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Chance to Change

Why is Change Difficult and What is expected of us during Change?

Managing change is tough, but part of the problem is that there is little agreement on what factors most influence transformation initiatives. Ask three executives to name the one factor which is critical for the success of these programs, and you’ll probably get five different answers. That’s because each manager looks at an initiative from …

Why is Change Difficult and What is expected of us during Change? Read More »


Culture is all it takes – REALLY

Today business leaders spend a lot of time thinking seriously about how they’re going to navigate the looming talent shortage. While managers and leaders have their own theories around what’s triggering these challenges, from an employee’s perspective, two main reasons come out regularly – not feeling valued and not getting a sense of belonging. Additionally, …

Culture is all it takes – REALLY Read More »

Culture-and-Change Management Thumbnail

Culture and Change Management: The Water We Swim In

Culture has a huge impact on our change management projects. Our Best Practices in Change Management research reveals that 88% of participants find cultural awareness to be important or very important to a change management initiative. Being culturally aware enables change practitioners to customize their change management approach, apply culturally specific adaptations while avoiding culturally …

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First Time Managers – Delegate for Survival!

If you want to become a highly productive person, at work or in life, learn to delegate. The power is not just in offloading tasks, but in gaining the power to choose what is—and isn’t—worth your time. While this sounds so simple, most first-time managers find it difficult for reasons such as lack of experience …

First Time Managers – Delegate for Survival! Read More »

Manager Effectiveness working

Manager Effectiveness and Different Ways How HR can improve it

In recent times, with sweeping digitization and agile initiatives coupled with the move to remote work, the job of managers has dramatically changed. This change has come in three dimensions: power, skills, and structure. Managers now have to think about making their teams successful, rather than being served by them; coach performance, not just oversee …

Manager Effectiveness and Different Ways How HR can improve it Read More »