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In business, the only constant is change. From new government policies and technology deployments to changing company goals and new processes, change is inevitable. But change can only be successful if it is fully and wholeheartedly adopted by the people who must use the change every day: your employees.

Do you really need to “manage” change?

Organisations are constantly changing to fix problems, respond to market trends, and seize opportunities.
Unmanaged change can have severe repercussions for businesses. Confusion, misalignment, and discontent can hamper employees’ ability to adapt to change, threatening organisational success.
Various internal and external factors trigger organisational change, and every change impacts your employees. Understanding these impacts can go a long way towards helping your employees fully adopt a change that’s essential to your organisation’s growth and resilience.
That’s where change management comes in. Applying change management allows you to prepare, equip, and support your people through change so they can successfully adapt to different ways of doing their daily work.


CEOs said that their company’s ability to adapt to change will be a key sourceof competitive advantage.

Change management: Catalyse success

Organisations are experiencing bigger, faster, more complex, and more cross-functional change than ever. With change becoming a significant force driving businesses today, merely adopting the practice of change management is no longer enough. What matters is change success. To be successful at change, you need a structured framework to help your organisation thrive through change in the current VUCA business environment.

The essence of change management

Change management is a structured approach that mobilises people to deliver expected results in times of change. While project management focuses on designing, developing, and delivering a solution for implementation, change management equips the people who will use that solution to embrace, adopt, and use it. This leads to significantly increased chances of project success and greater ROI.
It’s vital that you get change management right the first time, because the costs of reintroducing a change are incredibly high.

Our Change Management Expertise

With the ever-increasing complexity and frequency of change, organisations are impacted across business functions. In today’s VUCA world, agility is essential. Businesses that cannot adapt, evolve, and even anticipate and prepare for change simply cannot thrive.
MARG understands how critical change management is. As Prosci’s official partner in India, we bring you a winning formula for change success: Prosci’s research-backed, globally recognised expertise combined with our knowledge of the Indian business environment and the unique challenges it poses for companies of all sizes, across industries.
Our Prosci change management training and certification programmes have armed organisations and individuals with the knowledge and skills to excel at managing change, every time.

Prosci Change Management

A global leader in change management research and solutions, Prosci offers a proven, people-focused formula for developing an agile, change-ready organisation. Prosci’s scientific, research-backed techniques can be applied to any change impacting any size of business, across geographies, cultures, and industries.
What makes the Prosci change management approach unique is that it goes beyond guidelines and best practices. Prosci offers a change-agnostic, structured, scalable, and adaptable framework for organisations to manage change and achieve successful outcomes.

25 years of

11 Longitudinal

80% fortune
100 companies

8,100+ Research

1,00,000+ certified

The Prosci Methodology

The Prosci Change Management Methodology helps individuals transition from the current state to the future state to achieve project results.

Managing the people side of change

Organisations must continually change to succeed. Yet, changes such as introducing new technologies or setting up new processes often fail because leaders often focus on the technical aspects of the change. For change to be successful, organisations must also concentrate on the people side of change and ensure that every individual embraces and adopts the change.

Components of the Prosci methodology

Although the Prosci Change Management Methodology encompasses a variety of models, tools, assessments, and processes, it is comprised of three main components:

  1. PCT Model
  2. Adkar Model
  3. Prosci 3-Phase Process

PCT Model

The PCT Model highlights where change management fits into the bigger picture, including leadership involvement and project management. Prosci research reveals that projects weak in any of the four aspects will struggle or fail.

  • Success: Define what success means for your change—factor in the reason for the change, project goals, and organisational benefits.
  • Leadership/Sponsorship: Who provides direction for the project? Who is responsible for defining why the change is happening, how it aligns with organisational direction, and why it is a priority?
  • Project Management: Manages the technical side of the change by developing and delivering a solution that addresses an opportunity or solves a problem.
  • Change Management: Manages the people side of the change, equipping people to embrace and adopt the solution.

Sustain Outcomes

The final phase establishes the approach to ensure change adoption and organisational commitment to doing what’s required to sustain the change. The three stages within this phase are broadly described below.

  • Review Performance: After project go-live, reflect on performance to confirm if the desired results were achieved. You can do this by reviewing ADKAR outcomes and documenting lessons learned.
  • Activate Sustainment: Focus on actions to sustain change outcomes by identifying gaps and activating relevant sustainment roles.
  • Transfer Ownership: Finally, determine how to continue sustainment efforts. Some ways to do this include transferring knowledge and assets and celebrating change management successes.

Manage Change

This phase brings the change management strategy to life by developing plans and actions to help individuals and organisations transition through the ADKAR stages. The three stages within this phase are broadly described below.

  • Plan and Act: EEstablish the best ways to prepare, equip, and support people impacted by the change. This includes creating an ADKAR Blueprint and developing change management plans such as a Sponsor Plan and Communications Plan.
  • Track Performance: Track and sustain change management progress by creating a tracking calendar and identifying performance strengths and opportunities.
  • Adapt Actions – Based on lessons learned from the previous stages, adjust your change management strategy by preparing adaptive actions and continuing to track performance.

Prepare Approach

The Prepare Approach helps change and project teams develop a tailored, comprehensive change management strategy. The three stages within this phase are broadly described below.

  • Define Success: Establish precisely what you are trying to achieve. Defining what project success looks like is an excellent way to start.
  • Define Impact: Determine how the change impacts individuals by identifying impacted groups and defining change adoption and usage.
  • Define Approach: Consider what steps are necessary to achieve project success. You can do this by assessing risk, identifying potential resistance, and establishing required roles.


The Prosci ADKAR model is based on the principle that organisational change can only take place when individuals change.

  • Awareness of the need for change: It’s vital that people impacted by a change understand its significance and purpose.
  • Desire to support the change: Create desire for adopting the change by highlighting the employee benefits it brings.
  • Knowledge on how to change: Ensure people receive adequate support and training on new processes or tools.
  • Ability to implement the change: People have learned and can execute new behaviours and practices consistently.
  • Reinforcement to sustain the change: Reinforce the change periodically so people do not revert to old practices.

Interested in learning more about the ADKAR model?

Karen Ball’s book, The ADKAR Advantage offers an in-depth exploration of the model, shares real-life ADKAR stories, and provides invaluable resources grounded in Prosci’s benchmarking research.
All MARG’s change management programmes are designed and supported by Prosci.

Prosci Change Management Services

Whether you’re managing a few crucial changes or building organisational change capability, we have programmes that can help you succeed at change.

With Prosci’s change management certification programmes, you build individual change capability that enables you to manage any organisational change with ease. You also gain a highly coveted internationally recognised certification that will certainly boost your prospects.


Change Management Certification Programme
Through an interactive, three-day learning experience, this change management certification programme equips you with the knowledge, skills, and tools to lead to drive organisational changes successfully. You’ll apply Prosci’s methodology to one of your active projects, have the opportunity to connect with other change leaders, and become a Prosci Certified Change Practitioner.

We offer Prosci's interactive change management training programmes, tailored for critical change-enabling roles in your organisation. From workshops for managers and sponsors to training for project managers, these programmes will strengthen your change strategy, capabilities, and results.

Training Programmes

Sponsor Briefing
This workshop is for leaders who sponsor organisational change. The training defines change management, highlights its crucial connection to achieving business results, and offers guidance on how senior leaders can enhance change success by being active sponsors.
Leading Your Team Through Change
This workshop provides managers (and anyone who guides employees through change) with a practical framework to evaluate changes impacting themselves and their teams, plus skills and tools to lead people through any change.
Taking Charge of Change
This workshop is intended for anyone looking to deepen their understanding of change management. Participants learn and apply the foundational concepts in change management to a change initiative and leave convinced of its organisational benefits.
Delivering Project Results
This results-oriented workshop helps project leaders, managers, and teams integrate change management into a current project using Prosci’s frameworks. Participants also develop an understanding of change management’s significance in achieving project results.
Integrating Agile and Change Management
This workshop shares Prosci’s frameworks for applying change management in an Agile environment. Participants learn how to integrate change management and Agile to improve the adoption and usage of iteratively developed solutions.
Employee Orientation
This programme is for front-line employees impacted by change. Based on the ADKAR Model and the Employee’s Survival Guide to Change, this workshop helps employees process change and learn to contribute meaningfully to both current and future changes.

With Prosci’s change management certification programmes, you build individual change capability that enables you to manage any organisational change with ease. You also gain a highly coveted internationally recognised certification that will certainly boost your prospects.


We offer Prosci's interactive change management training programmes, tailored for critical change-enabling roles in your organisation. From workshops for managers and sponsors to training for project managers, these programmes will strengthen your change strategy, capabilities, and results.


Change Management Certification Programme
Through an interactive, three-day learning experience, this change management certification programme equips you with the knowledge, skills, and tools to lead to drive organisational changes successfully. You’ll apply Prosci’s methodology to one of your active projects, have the opportunity to connect with other change leaders, and become a Prosci Certified Change Practitioner.

Training Programmes

Sponsor Briefing
This workshop is for leaders who sponsor organisational change. The training defines change management, highlights its crucial connection to achieving business results, and offers guidance on how senior leaders can enhance change success by being active sponsors.
Leading Your Team Through Change
This workshop provides managers (and anyone who guides employees through change) with a practical framework to evaluate changes impacting themselves and their teams, plus skills and tools to lead people through any change.
Taking Charge of Change
This workshop is intended for anyone looking to deepen their understanding of change management. Participants learn and apply the foundational concepts in change management to a change initiative and leave convinced of its organisational benefits.
Delivering Project Results
This results-oriented workshop helps project leaders, managers, and teams integrate change management into a current project using Prosci’s frameworks. Participants also develop an understanding of change management’s significance in achieving project results.
Integrating Agile and Change Management
This workshop shares Prosci’s frameworks for applying change management in an Agile environment. Participants learn how to integrate change management and Agile to improve the adoption and usage of iteratively developed solutions.
Employee Orientation
This programme is for front-line employees impacted by change. Based on the ADKAR Model and the Employee’s Survival Guide to Change, this workshop helps employees process change and learn to contribute meaningfully to both current and future changes.
Advisory Services

Innovation and business growth hinge on an organisation’s ability to succeed at change. Backed by Prosci’s expertise, our advisory services help you maximise returns from your change investments through change-focused support at the individual, project, and organisational levels.

Licensing, E-Learning & Prosci AI

Gain access to Prosci's world-class methodology, tools, training materials, and models and build change capabilities at the individual and enterprise levels. A Prosci license also offers AI-powered insights and solutions for success in any change management initiative.


Change management offers organisations a structured framework to help people alignwith company goals, adopt crucial organisational changes, and deliver expected results. Change management can be seen as the people side of project management. Where project management focuses on implementing a solution, change management focuses on helping employees adopt the solution.
Prosci’s Change Management Certification Programme offers an interactive, three-day learning experience. The programme equips you with the tools, expertise, and ongoing support you need to lead organisational changes successfully. During the programme, you have the opportunity to apply Prosci’s proven change management methodology to one of your active projects. For more information, visit our Prosci Change Management Certification page.
The Prosci ADKAR® Model is one of the two core models of the Prosci Methodology. “ADKAR” is an acronym for Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability, and Reinforcement. These are the five results an individual needs to achieve for a change to be successful.
The ADKAR model is based on a fundamental, proven Prosci principle: organisational change can only occur when individuals change.Organisational changes often see failure because employees don’t understand why adopting the change is crucial or lack the resources to change successfully. Moreover, leaders are often unequipped to engage with employees during the change and to manage any potential change resistance.The ADKAR Model addresses these barriers by arming leaders with the right tools and strategies and employees with the information, motivation, and ability to move through organisational changes smoothly.
  • Change management has several goals. Here are a few:
  • Address the impacts of change on people: Each change project or initiative impacts organisational groups in different ways by requiring these groupsto change the way they do their work on an everyday basis.
  • Thrive in a constantly changing world:  Change management helps organisations deliver results on each change more effectively, even when there are multiple unique changes to manage.
  • Boost the chances of project success: Prosci’s research consistently shows that projects with excellent change management have a 7X greater chance of meeting objectives than projects with poor change management.
Manytraining organisations in India offer change management workshops. However, it’s essential to consider what change management methodology they teach and, equally important, whether they are qualified to train on those methodologies. Prosci Change Management is the leader in change management research and solutions. As Prosci’s India partner, MARG is the only training provider authorised to train and offer certifications in change management.
For pricing information, please email us at [email protected].
Yes, we offer the Prosci Change Management Certification Programme online so participants across India can attend. We also offer regular in-person certification workshops in major Indian cities, plus exclusive workshops for organisations. View our Training Schedule to learn about upcoming workshops.
All Prosci programmes, offer access to the industry’s largest body of change management research, based on the insights and experience of thousands of change leaders over twenty years. This has built Prosci’s credibility as the leader in change management research, training, and solutions, with 80% of Fortune 100 companies choosing to work with Prosci and leverage the tools, methodology, and framework not just for change management, but for change success. By becoming a Prosci Certified Change Practitioner, you grow your change management skills and set yourself apart in the marketplace with a world-class change management certification.


The programme was enriching. All the content, tools, templates, and insights were enlightening. I feel equipped to make a stronger case for Change Management and how impactful it can be.

Srishti Sharma

Infosys Limited (Infosys Consulting)

Very well-crafted program. The level of learning achieved in 3 days was immense. Looking forward to applying the Prosci concepts and models in my projects right away.

Somil Malhotra

Capgemini (Senior Consultant)

The course and training sessions were managed very well. I am grateful I had the opportunity to learn from Krish during the three-day Prosci course. Krish’s training approach motivated me to be a better change manager and helped fill gaps in my knowledge. I will definitely sign up for other Prosci programmes at MARG.

Sonali Girish Gidwani

Deloitte UK (Change Consultant)

Absolutely satisfied with the course. It definitely helped me develop a different thought process. Looking back after completing the course, I can see the many different avenues that could have been explored in my project. The course was worth every bit of the time spent. Thank you.

Neetha Paul

Metro Services (Senior change manager)

The program is extremely well designed. The course and the instructor helped structure the change management approach in a way that offered real insights into potential risks and opportunities from a people change perspective. It really tied things together wonderfully, in my opinion.


EY (Manager)

It was a great introduction to a research-based structured approach with useful tools that work in many project contexts. I plan to come back to this knowledge base for my future projects. The instructor was very engaging throughout the 3-day course.

Arindam Guha

Latitude 36 Inc.

This was one of the best training programs I have attended. Great insights into the Change Management process and the effectiveness of the Prosci ADKAR Model in any situation. Thank you so much, Krish and Bharathi.

Satyajit Dwivedi

SAS Institute

Give your company the PROSCI advantage.

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    * MARG reserves the right to cancel workshops or switch from in-person to virtual sessions. All workshop participants will be notified of any such changes in advance.

    Contact Marg

      We take all enquiries seriously. Let us know how we can help you.

      * MARG reserves the right to cancel workshops or switch from in-person to virtual sessions. All workshop participants will be notified of any such changes in advance.